Unser Logo ist jetzt um 27 Prozent kürzer, aber umso stärker im Statement – denn 27 Prozent der Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland haben einen Migrationshintergrund. Mit der vorübergehenden Logoumgestaltung setzen wir ein Zeichen für Weltoffenheit in der Wirtschaft. Jeder kann mitmachen.
No. 3877120

The Rheinhessen Business Experts

Founded in 1789, the Rheinhessen Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) has helped promote regional business.  We are located in the Rhineland-Palatine region, along the river Rhine and in the middle of flourishing economic regions such as Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region and Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region. We have three service centers located in Mainz (the headquarters), Bingen and Worms.
The Rheinhessen Chamber of Commerce and Industry has 42,000 members that include companies from a wide range of industries such as: manufacturers, trade and service organizations, importers and exporters from both large international companies and smaller businesses.
We offer businesses a broad range of products and services. Whether its negotiations or daily business activities, you can rely on our competence, professionalism, and years of expertise.
Günter Jertz