Expert trip from Ukraine
Expert trip from Ukraine - topic urban planning
1 - 7 December 2024
1 - 7 December 2024
Monday, 2nd December
Restart: ‘Hannovativ - Smart City Hannover: Presentation of Smart City Strategy10 fields of action:
Challenges for the city and society: data & technology, public welfare & economy, at home, culture, moDepartment of Planning and Urban Development, bility & identity, living space, health, diversity, learning and democracy
Tim Gerstenberger, Fachbereich Planen und Stadtentwicklung, Hannovativ
Tim Gerstenberger, Fachbereich Planen und Stadtentwicklung, Hannovativ
Communal living in Hannover
Robert Kulle, hanova, Alena Grimmer, CEO, Wohnungsgenossenschaft Selbsthilfe Linden
Robert Kulle, hanova, Alena Grimmer, CEO, Wohnungsgenossenschaft Selbsthilfe Linden
Coordinating construction projects with Building Information Modelling (BIM) Urban planning + construction of small energy centres
Axel Bürkner, GF, BIM2B Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH,
Axel Bürkner, GF, BIM2B Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH,
Tuesday, 3rd December
Exchange with representatives of the research centre at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH)
Meeting with Prof. Dr Elke Katharina Wittich, Managing Director of the Centre for Continuing
Education (ZEW) and discussion of the continuing education modules in the field of ‘Energy’ tailored to the needs of Mykolayiv
Prof. Dr. Elke Katharina Wittich, Nataliya Butych
Prof. Dr. Elke Katharina Wittich, Nataliya Butych
Presentation of practice-oriented research at Leibniz Universität Hannover and potentials for a sustainable and fundamental reconstruction of Ukraine
Perspective from the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences, Institute of Design and Building Construction, Department of Sustainable Building Systems
Prof Dr Philipp Geyer Heisenberg Professor for Sustainable Building Systems
Prof Dr Philipp Geyer Heisenberg Professor for Sustainable Building Systems
Solar potential in urban areas
Prof Dr Tobias Friedrich Wietler
Prof Dr Tobias Friedrich Wietler
Perspective from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Institute of Building Materials Science
Bastian Strybny standing in for Prof. Dr Michael Haist
Bastian Strybny standing in for Prof. Dr Michael Haist
Presentation of the Leibniz Research Centre LiFE2050 - Transformation of the Energy System - Research for Sustainable Energy Supply Solutions; Interaction between the actors of the energy transition from science, business, politics and civil society.
Dr Volker Schöber, Managing Director, LUH
Dr Volker Schöber, Managing Director, LUH
Exchange with representatives of the EFZN and partner institutes in Goslar
Presentation of the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony, in particular on the basis of the homepage for better understanding, preparation and follow-up by Dr Wolfgang Dietze, Managing Director, EFZN
The subject area of energy is a central aspect of Lower Saxony's research landscape. At a large number of university and non-university locations, cutting-edge research is being conducted in the energy sector across a broadly differentiated range of topics:
- Battery technologies
- wind energy
- solar energy
- Social sciences
- digitalisation
- Materials science
- Power-to-X technologies,
- Networked energy systems/sector coupling and
- Hydrogen (in particular further training)
Overview of the City of the Future research focus and research content in the field of urban planning and energ. Interdisciplinary research for the city of the future
Dr. Anna Maria Lux, General Manager of the City of the Future research programme
Dr. Anna Maria Lux, General Manager of the City of the Future research programme
Resilient and energy-efficient construction
Mathias Hehle Institute for Building Climatology and Energy in Architecture (IBEA)
Mathias Hehle Institute for Building Climatology and Energy in Architecture (IBEA)
Сталий розвиток міст оснований на знаннях та співпраці!
Sustainable urban development – knowledge-based and co-operative!
Olaf Mumm, ISU - Institute for Sustainable Urbanism
Yevheniia Berchul, ISU - Institute for Sustainable Urbanism
Olaf Mumm, ISU - Institute for Sustainable Urbanism
Yevheniia Berchul, ISU - Institute for Sustainable Urbanism
Visit to the Fraunhofer HHI: Short presentation on the solar charging stations plus drinking water treatment. Followed by a tour of the battery production facility and a demonstration of our portable battery storage modules
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ulrike Willer
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ulrike Willer
Wednesday, 4th of December
Hans-Georg Kraeft-von der Heide, CEO + Dennis Huntemann, Site Manager
Luncheon Am Mühlenteich
Alternatives for road rehabilitation and maintenance: an overview of day to day work of Rolasphalt
Dipl. Ing. Jörg Heining + Heiner Harms, Rolasphalt GmbH
Dipl. Ing. Jörg Heining + Heiner Harms, Rolasphalt GmbH
Thursday, 5th of December
City of Hanover, Department of Urban Development and Building
Andrea Holthaus-Voßgröne
Andrea Holthaus-Voßgröne
Serial and modular concrete construction with system elements. Cost-effective + CO2-saving
construction with precast concrete elements + pioneering heating and supply technology and circular economy Concrete rubble
Markus Pankse, CEO, nobis living Bau GmbH
Markus Pankse, CEO, nobis living Bau GmbH
Decentralised energy supply (heat / electricity) + security of supply
Markus Henning CEO, Anne Minol, Sales, Kraftwerk Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung GmbH
Markus Henning CEO, Anne Minol, Sales, Kraftwerk Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung GmbH
Joint dinner with the city of Hanover and others at the Licata restaurant
Parallel programme for Kuprii Kyrylo + Alla Lutska
Tour of the Hildesheim wastewater treatment plant and combined heat and power plant
Sergej Naschilevski, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing., Planning and Construction Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stadtentwässerung Hildesheim, Kanalstraße 50, 31137 Hildesheim
Sergej Naschilevski, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing., Planning and Construction Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stadtentwässerung Hildesheim, Kanalstraße 50, 31137 Hildesheim
Besuch, Führung und Austausch mit
Carsten Heckmann, Leiter der Thermischen Produktion
Michael Bodmann, Anlagenverantwortlicher für das Biomasseheizkraftwerk
Niklas Wehbring, Leiter des Strategischen Assetmanagements
Carsten Heckmann, Leiter der Thermischen Produktion
Michael Bodmann, Anlagenverantwortlicher für das Biomasseheizkraftwerk
Niklas Wehbring, Leiter des Strategischen Assetmanagements
Friday, 6th of December
Land recycling and circular economy in construction - implementation, technical management
Exchange with Prof Harald Burmeier
Prof Burmeier Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Bemeroder Str. 71, 30559 Hannover
Prof Burmeier Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Bemeroder Str. 71, 30559 Hannover
- Hanover's development in the post-war period as an example
- Investigation and remediation of contaminated sites
- Brownfield recycling and property development
- Demolition and waste management
District heating planning in Hanover
Anke Unverzagt, Climate Protection Control Centre
Anke Unverzagt, Climate Protection Control Centre
- Expansion of the district heating network
- Conversion of district heating generation from large power plants to several decentralised renewable plants and waste heat feed-in
Stand: 08.01.2025