IHK Berlin

Financing Models

Upcoming start-up events:

Crowdfunding is a way of raising finance from an interested online community in order to fund all sorts of projects.
There are four types of crowdfunding:
  • Crowd investing (equity-based crowdfunding) grants the crowd (in most cases) a silent partner’s interest in a company, which sells shares in return for money. This type of crowdfunding generates the most total funding and is a popular form of finance for startups in the early phase.
  • Crowd lending (lending-based crowdfunding) enables loans for projects carried out by individuals or businesses to be financed by the crowd. Like a normal loan, the money must be repaid at the end of a fixed term.
  • Crowd supporting (reward-based crowdfunding) enables money to be raised for a certain purpose in return for non-financial rewards known as ‘perks’, providing many different ways in which a crowd can be encouraged to support a project.
  • Crowd donating (donation-based crowdfunding) allows donations to be collected from the crowd with nothing expected in return.

Equity finance
Equity financing covers all financing transactions in which a business receives additional capital from new or existing owners, representing external financing of firms with equity. Various types of equity finance are possible depending on the investment phase and project as well as the company’s profile. The terms and the exact form of equity financing are contractually agreed on an individual basis.
List of equity finance and venture capital:

Public investors
IBB Ventures

Coparion Fonds

High-Tech Gründerfonds

Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
Networks  Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften

Business Angels Netzwerk Deutschland e.V. (BAND)

Business Angels Club Berlin e. V.

European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
Online platforms   
Investor databases