
Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Berlin
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 31510-0
Fax: +49 30 31510-166

Contact partner for online editorial content
Marian Schreier (responsible)
Telefon: +49 30 31510-329

Photo and picture material hosted on this website:
Unless picture credits are shown directly on individual web pages, all of our photographs (image files) originate from the following sources: Fotolia, iStockphoto, Shutterstock, ClipDealer, Aboutpixel

Authorised representatives
Pursuant to Section 7 (2) of the law for the preliminary regulation of the rights of the Industrie- und Handelskammern (IHKG) in connection with Section 13 of the Articles of the Berlin IHK, the President and the General Manager or their representatives are authorised to represent IHK in all matters of legal relevance. The General Manager, and if unavailable his/ her representative is the sole authorised representative for ongoing administrative business (Section 13 of the Articles of the IHK Berlin).
Sebastian Stietzel
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 31510-232
Fax: +49 30 31510-100
Chief Executive Officer
Manja Schreiner
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 31510-230
Supervisory authority
The relevant supervisory body is pursuant to Section 11 (1) of the IHKG together with Section 1 (1) of the laws regulating the Berlin IHKG is the member of the Senate responsible for economy.
Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen
Martin-Luther-Straße 105
10825 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 9013-0
Fax: +49 30 9013-7541
The homepage, the overview pages and the collection of articles are protected by copyright. The pages may only be reproduced for personal use. Their content may not be changed and copies may neither be distributed nor used in publicly available reproductions. Individual articles are also protected through copyright. We cannot accept any liability regarding the accuracy and completeness of the information hosted on the website. We refuse all liability for damages that may arise directly or indirectly through the use of the website and the information contained therein. This excludes however, liability arising from intent or serious negligence. This also applies to the content of our company database. These refer to voluntary registered information that has been forwarded to us by the relevant companies. Again, we deny all liability for damages, which arise directly or indirectly through the use of such information, unless said damages are caused due to intent or serious negligence. Furthermore, we do not accept any liability for the content of other websites, which can be visited via hyperlinks hosted on IHK Berlin‘s web pages. These are third party websites, over which IHK bears no influence. These hyperlinks are provided as a service by IHK. However, the IHK is not responsible for the content. If you should come across any illegal content on third party websites reachable through hyperlinks hosted on our web pages, we request that you inform us so that we can remove the reference to the content in question. Please contact us, if you have any further questions concerning liability.

Industrie-und Handelskammer zu Berlin I Fasanenstraße 85 I 10623 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 31510-0
Fax: +49 30 31510-166