No. 4225022

Facts and figures Stuttgart region

The Stuttgart region is home to around 120,000 companies and nearly 130,000 businesses.
The highest proportion, around 200,000 persons, work in the automotive industry or in machine construction. Like vehicle construction, wholesale and retail taken together also provide jobs for more than 100,000 employees in the region, with retail having fewer employees but nearly twice as many businesses as wholesale. More than a quarter of all companies in Baden-Württemberg - 120,175 of a total of 467,205 - are situated in the Stuttgart region.
A comparison of employee proportions also shows that the region specialises in e.g. aviation and the insurance industry. The share of employees in machine construction and in the automotive industry is also high, however at a similar level to the federal state as a whole.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stuttgart Region

Facts and figures