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No. 28328


The Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Palatinate represents the interests of more than 81.000 member companies with respect to politics and administration. It informs and advices on all relevant economic matters, offers services in vocational and further training and works as a platform for the exchange of experiences.
In Germany, Chambers of Industry and Commerce are public corporations withcompulsory membership. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Palatinate is one of 79 German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Its head organisation is the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) in Berlin.The Chamber closely cooperates with the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) as well as representatives of German commerce in more than 70 countries.
This Video illustrates the tasks, which are assigned to the IHKs and the benefits, the IHKs provide for their member companies.
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The Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Palatinate advocates a legal framework and business climate to grant the business community entrepreneurial independence. The Chamber is usually asked by municipalities, counties and the local governments to work out expert opinions on various issues, such aseconomic matters, spatial planning projects and many others. On its own initiative the Chamber also provides statements and suggestions - to the benefitof its member companies.
As a customer-focussed provider of services to the business community, we furnish pre-market services to new and established firms. Our goal is to help others to help themselves.
As a political lobbyist, we are strong advocates for a market-based legislative and regulatory environment that is conducive to small and medium-size enterprises. We are opposed to policies that favour a single industry and are committed to the common good of the business community. Though politically active, we are not affiliated with a political party.
As an independent arbitrator, we support fair business practices by offering a range of alternative dispute resolution and prevention services. This reducescourt caseloads and helps to ensure that the wheels of commerce turn smoothly.
The Palatinate's business sector is the engine that drives our economic prosperity. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Palatinate aims to represent all firms of the Palatinate and to function like a turbocharger to boost this engine's performance.