Point of Single Contact in Rheinland-Pfalz

The Points of Single Contact (PSCs) aim to assist European service sector companies in navigating through sometimes very complex legal procedures. EU service sector businesses receive an overview of all relevant regulations and procedures for doing business in the country of choice. You can find your point of single contact in other European countries via the European Commission–s website: www.eu-go.eu
Advice provided by the PSCs is legally binding and are even accessible from a long distance (i.e.: via internet). The Points of Single Contact additionally simplify the administrative processes by acting as a case manager for each company's activities. Nevertheless, the service of the points of single contact is optional. Entrepreneurs may always address themselves directly to the relevant authorities, if they prefer.
Service businesses from EU Member States seeking for support with the German administrative procedures may address the local Points of Single Contact. These state run one-stop-shops will guide them through the necessary paper work.
Operating a business often requires that you contact the relevant government authorities: Especially for business start-ups, approvals and permissions must be obtained. The Point of Single Contact (PSC) of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz offers support to businesses in all industry sectors. The PSC gives advice on the required authorizations, provides the necessary forms, and relieves you from having to address multiple authorities. Moreover, the PSC ensures that the appropriate authorities process all requests in a timely manner.
Point of Single Contact for the Palatinate is the Struktur - und Genehmigungsdirektion Süd, Tel. 06321 99-2233. For more information visit www.eap.rlp.de (German only)
For more information concerning the Economic Region of the Palatinate and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Palatinate please visit our website: www.ihk.de/pfalz/en/index.jsp