Welcome to your Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Welcome to the website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Halle-Dessau (CCI Halle-Dessau). Between the lower reaches of the river Saale in central of Germany we represent more than 54,000 businesses of all sizes from our region. The CCI Halle-Dessau is responsible for the regions of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Dessau-Roßlau, Salzlandkreis and Wittenberg, as well as Burgenlandkreis, Halle (Saale), Saalekreis and Mansfeld-Südharz.
In Germany, the main task of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – or “Industrie- und Handelskammer” (IHK) in German – is to represent the interests of its members to the public and to political decision-makers at state and federal level. In addition, it also offers a wide range of services for established companies and aspiring start-ups. And it has been entrusted with various administrative tasks by the state and federal governments, for example the administration of the German vocational training system.
Would you like to know more about our work? Watch the following video which explains our tasks and the benefits we provide for our members.

Most of our online content is in German. However, many of our employees and consultants also speak English and other languages. If you have a question or need assistance with your business, please feel free to contact us:
Phone: +49 (0) 345 21 26 0
E-Mail: info@halle.ihk.de
About us
The IHK Halle-Dessau is the cross-industry self-governing organization of the business community. The IHK is an independent advocate of the market and a customer-oriented service provider. As a corporation under public law, the IHK has the legal mandate to represent the overall interests of all tradesmen in its district - with the exception of craftsmen.