Legal Affairs
Law and fair play is how we describe our commitment to provide equal opportunities for all types of businesses, as well as both our aim to promote competition and reduce state intervention by means of enhancing the economy's self-regulatory capability.
We make fairness our business.
- The Chamber of Commerce is committed to ensuring that Bremen-based companies adhere to the principles of fair competition.
- We ensure that companies enjoy the advantages of equal opportunities by implementing a combination of activities and measures, all aimed at preventing a distortion of competition.
- We promote competition not only by facilitating the market entry of new companies, but also by offering them back-up support to sustain their development.
- General legal information can be obtained from two sources, namely from our information bulletins and from the staff of our legal department.

Karlheinz Heidemeyer
Bereich: Recht und Steuern
Doris Menke
Recht und Steuern
Themen: Handelsregister, Firmenrecht, Sachverständigenwesen, Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung, Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Ulrich Vogel
Recht und Steuern
Themen: Arbeits- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Einigungsstelle für Wettbewerbsstreitigkeiten, Sachverständigenwesen