Innovation / Environment
Innovation and the environment refer to our commitment to increase the growth potential of industry and commerce in Bremen, and it is our mission to both create and maintain a set of reliable conditions that take into account the competitive ability of the regional economy.
No matter whether it be small and medium-sized enterprises, industry, innovation or the environment, a competitive economy requires a diverse mixture of different economic branches.
- Consequently, we promote the innovative strength of Bremen's enterprises by providing assistance in the implementation of their ideas.
- We offer a variety of information and advisory services for industry, product-related services, information and communications technologies (ICT), as well as the area of labour protection.
- We provide businesses with the necessary know-how to promote the development and application of environment and energy-related technologies.
- We strongly support micro, as well as small and medium-sized, enterprises by offering a service package tailor-made to their requirements.
- Our campaign against state bureaucracy and lobbying for less red tape is aimed at providing the economy with more room for manoeuvre.
The different specialist departments provide branch-related consultancy and relevant information.

Dr. Frank Thoss
Bereich: Industrie, Innovation, Umwelt, Tourismus

Andreas Köhler
Industrie, Innovation, Umwelt, Tourismus
Themen: Industrie, unternehmensnahe Dienstleistungen, Innovation, Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik, Innovations-, Patent- und Erfinderberatung, Automotive, Wirtschaftsschutz

Franziska Kaufmann
Industrie, Innovation, Umwelt, Tourismus
Themen: Umweltpolitik und -beratung, Umweltinformationssystem, Energiewirtschaft, Arbeitssicherheit und -schutz