
Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg e.V

Name of institution: Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg e.V

About us

The TBB is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-denominational, democratic umbrella organisation of currently 37 organisations and 96 individuals and offers multilingual advice and support. As a migrant organisation, TBB is committed to the legal, social and political equality and treatment of people with personal or family migration experience as well as peaceful coexistence and solidarity between all people in Berlin and nationwide.

Our offers

The TBB sees itself primarily as an interest group, but is also an experienced project sponsor with publicly funded projects in the areas of recognition and qualification advice, immigration and securing skilled workers, anti-discrimination, participation and migration, gender and sexual diversity, voluntary services, consumer protection, digitalisation and environmental protection. In addition, the TBB offers advice in the areas of immigration and migration law, social law and labour law with lawyers from the respective specialist areas.

Get in touch with us

+49 30 23 62 33 25