
Volkssolidarität Berlin

Company name: Volkssolidarität Berlin e.V.
Sector: Health & Social Services– are, education, social work, administration, housekeeping and cleaning
Company size: 2300

Why work for us?

Volkssolidarität was founded in East Germany in 1945 and has a long tradition of social commitment for older people, the chronically ill, those in need of care, the socially disadvantaged and for children and young people. Since its founding, the basic value of solidarity has been an intrinsic part of our work. Volkssolidarität stands up for people who need a voice. In Berlin alone we employ more than 2,300 colleagues in more than 80 projects and institutions.

Our offers

We are looking for an array of employees for our five refugee centres, that are mainly located in East Berlin. These job fields include: Management, social workers, social assistants, psychologists, child care assistants, volunteer and project coordinators, janitors and housekeepers. We are constantly applying to get other refugee centres in Berlin, so if there is not a free position currently, there is a good chance we will be looking to fill these positions in the near future.

Get in touch with us

Lara Benoit
+49 30403662321
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