
OHKW Klimajobs

Company name: OHKW Klimajobs
Sector: Craftsmanship – renewable energy - installation of heat pumps and solar panels
Company size: 10

Why work for us?

We are leading the re-skilling revolution! There will be hundreds of thousands of well trained installers needed to help Germany achieve it's climate goals - and we want to help people on their second career path get the skills and practical experience they need to increase the productivity in an installation team. We offer career perspective, and help to prepare for the external exam of the trades association, where upon successful completion, you can gain full professional certification.

Our offers

We help people without professional qualifications get a good green job with companies that install heat pumps or PV systems. By qualifying through our funded modularised training program, the entry opportunities at companies are higher, as well as the salary. It is no longer a purely 'entry-level' job, but you enter the field with a specialised and in-demand skill set.

Get in touch with us

Amber Riedl
+49 1709681611
Corporate Homepage