IHK Berlin

Yaren - Smart Citizen Assistant

Yaren enables modern citizens to interact with their cities and surrounding environment more intelligently and allows them to improve their quality of life by providing insights, based on enhanced artificial intelligence that is integrated with economic, social and environmental data.
This assistant functions as an analytical engine that shapes the user's decisions, based on the important aspects of a property and the specific lifestyle or restrictions that each individual may have.
We believe that urban areas are changing too rapidly, and there are many details that are not evident to the people who are making an important decision such as investing in a property.
After identifying the preferences of the users plus their available budget, this assistant offers a list of available properties that best matches their expectations. Moreover, the users can make sure that their future property is not located in an area of the city that is vulnerable to heat, air pollution or excessive noise.
  • A unique approach in giving market insights to the businesses that rely on the quality of urban services
  • Engaging with public urban decision makers in order to provide them with data-driven tools that can ensure a resilient urban planning
  • Educating people on the importance of making their investments by taking into consideration upcoming environmental challenges namely climate change


33_yaren logo
Rheinsberger Str. 76/77
10115 Berlin
CEO & Founder
E-Mail: him@yasharnaghdi.com 