Welcome to Wiesbaden Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Wiesbaden Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI, Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK)) is the representative organisation of the enterprises in Wiesbaden, the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Hochheim. The Wiesbaden CCI serves as mediator and advocate for the local business community of 36,000 enterprises of industry, commerce and the service sector. As the parliament of the business world, we lobby at all levels of government for economic policies that open up sustainable growth and development perspectives for companies in our district.
One of our main responsibilities is the organization of vocational training and further training, securing high level qualification of employees and trainees. We provide guidance on all issues connected with vocational training and obtaining a training position within a company. We assist both trainees and training sites right up to the final tests and mediate in disputes. We supply the businesses in our district with a high-quality range of practice-oriented, further training opportunities to fit their needs. We organise recognised CCI testing and training courses, working with volunteer inspectors and instructors from both science and business. We provide advice on further training, as well as support for companies and help in finding solutions for specific training requirements. By providing assistance from the very first educational beginnings to successful final examinations we strengthen the employees’ abilities and empower companies to compete on national and international markets with highly qualified personnel.
A well-functioning business environment is a necessary precondition for successful economic development. We give competent advice and accompany entrepreneurs, start-ups and established companies. With regard to international aspects, our intention is to assist domestic companies gain a foothold in emerging markets abroad as well as support foreign investors to enter the German market.
As a public body, the Wiesbaden CCI is entrusted with tasks of public authority. Its functions are mainly financed by contributions raised from the member companies as well as fees and incomes for services. Contribution rates are progressive and depend on the companies’ legal and financial situation, being fixed by the CCI general assembly consisting of 63 entrepreneurs and senior executives that is elected every five years by all member companies of our organisation.
A team of 60 employees an nine trainees is always ready to help if you need advice or assistance in any matter concerning your business.
Find out about our current projects, events and the many different areas where the Wiesbaden CCI provides support tailored to your individual business needs.