IHK Nord Westfalen

About the Chamber

In Germany, there are 79 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) with the Association of the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) as their umbrella organisation. The CCIs are independent bodies incorporated under public law. Their functions are defined by law. The Chambers’ organisation along regional lines throughout the whole of Germany means they are able to focus on specific regional challenges.
The North-Westphalia Chamber represents the business interests of more than 150,000 enterprises in industry, retail, trade, transport, banking, insurance, and services in the Münsterland and Emscher-Lippe regions.
The Chamber promotes the economy of its district and advocates the overall views of their member companies. In doing so, the Chamber must adopt a balanced and reasoned position to incorporate the various interests of individual branches of industry and companies.
The CCI is a leading authority for vocational training and final examinations. Moreover, it advises apprentices and employees on all questions relating to education and training. In the North-Westphalia district, around 3,300 volunteer examiners (affiliated to local enterprises) work on more than 350 CCI examination committees and ensure the practical relevance of the vocational and further training examinations. Therefore, skilled employees are trained in line with requirements, pass examinations on economics and subjects which are relevant to business, and strengthen the performance of the regional economy.
For the development of international business, the Chamber focuses on certificates of origin and other documents, as well as the carnet ATA and other certifications compulsory for exports. Additionally, there are close relations with Chambers of Commerce and Industry abroad with 140 offices in 95 countries all over the world (www.ahk.de), an accumulated experience in international business of many years and a wide range of relevant data bases. New business contacts are the result of numerous business missions world-wide (most recently Ireland, Great Britain, Singapore, the Baltics and the Nordics).