General and expert knowledge tests
Instruction in the hospitality industry
If you would like to register for an appointment, you can do so under the “Grundsätzliche Informationen zur Gaststättenunterrichtung im Gastgewerbe” (Basic information on hospitality business instruction in the hospitality industry).
Everyone wishing to operate a hospitality business or hotel previously needed a hospitality licence to do so. Since 1 July, 2005, this is only necessary if you serve alcohol in your business.
You should apply to your consumer protection office for the approval required for serving alcohol. Only once you have this approval and the additionally required trade registration certificate are you permitted to start commercial activity.
Evidence of technical suitability
Among others, requirements for the license to be issued include that you prove your technical suitability (additional requirements are provided under the heading “More about this topic”). Generally, you prove your technical suitability by participating in hospitality business instruction.
Content of the instruction
The instruction conveys to you the basics of hospitality-based activities. It covers the content of the hygiene regulations including the infection protection law and foodstuffs law. Other subjects include youth and noise protection as well as hospitality business and lockout time regulations.
Basic information on instruction in the hospitality industry
Hospitality business instruction takes place once per month in our chamber of commerce. The above-stated subject areas are not merely presented, but require your active collaboration. The instruction lasts around 4 hours and in each case starts at 1pm and finishes around 5pm. The doors open at 12:30pm. Your certificate of participation that you need to apply for your permit will be issued to you directly after the instruction. This certificate applies throughout Germany, for an unlimited period. The participant fee for the “normal” hospitality business instruction has been 70 euros since 1 March, 2019.
To online registration for the “normal” hospitality business instruction (participation without an interpreter, as the participant has knowledge of and understands German).
For anyone interested in participating who does not have knowledge of German, we also offer an appointment for special instruction once a month to enable them to be able to follow the instruction. You can participate in this event only if accompanied by a recognised interpreter. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an interpreter; therefore, the participant must commission one themselves.
A selection of recognised interpreters is provided here.
The participant fee for the special hospitality business instruction has been 170 euros since 1 March, 2019.
To online registration for the special hospitality business instruction (participation only with an interpreter).
An invoice for the corresponding participant fee will be sent by post.
When participation in instruction in the hospitality industry is not required
An exemption from the instruction is possible in certain cases in accordance with the administration regulation for hospitality business instruction: if you have completed professional training wherein the exam also includes specifications under foodstuffs law. To quality for exemption, please fill out the relevant application (provided under “Further information”) and attach a copy of the examination certificate, CV and personal identification card (front and back) and email it to For issuing an “exemption deed” of this type, we charge a fee of 30 euros; you will be sent an electronic invoice by email. A list with exemption options with respect to the hospitality business instruction can also be found under the “Further information” heading.