Export / Import

International Affairs

Being present on global markets offers many new opportunities for your company. You will shortly figure out: things are being handled differently everywhere. 
The mission of our International department is to support companies in developing and expanding their overseas activities permanently. 
We provide you with relevant information on import and export procedures, customs law, commercial and trading laws etc. We also verify trade documents and certificates of origin for customs purposes as well as A.T.A. Carnets for trade fair exhibits or professional equipment. Besides organizing information events we maintain networking platforms for entrepreneurs and their specialists. Our international network includes local experts in over 90 countries, which provide various services from market analyses to consultations about country-specific legal conditions.
International business is routine for companies in our region. Nevertheless we are committed to simplifying international procedures and to reduceing trade barriers together with our umbrella organization DIHK (Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry).